
It is one of the cosmetic procedures that most allows the plastic surgeon to exercise his art and demonstrate their concepts of beauty, because it gives the power to modify the female body contouring sculptural form.

It consists in the liposuction of fat excess in locatted regions with the use of vacuum-assisted cannulas and fat grafting in regions with deficiency of volume. This removal has limits, since it must respect body physiology by removing the maximum of 7% of body weight (Recommendation of the Braziliam Society of Plastic Surgery).

In this context, it can remove localized fat in the outer thighs, abdomen and flanks and make an increase in the volume of the buttocks through

graft, leaving the appropriate body contouring.

The removed fat passes through a filtering process before being placed in syringes and grafted in areas with volume deficit. Thus, it is possible to model the shape of the buttocks, as well as to mitigate, and even remove, cellulite areas.

This grafted fat undergoes a certain degree of long-term resorption, being estimated at 30 to 40% by several studies. However, since fat is composed of living cells, the graft may increase with weight gain, providing a higher gain in the projection of the buttocks.

This is a procedure performed in hospital, under general or epidural and sedation anesthesia. Usually does not cause much pain or limitation postoperatively, and you can return to work (provided it is light) in 7 days.